More than a year has passed since my last post. I’m sorry for the delay. Here is an update.
I am recovering from a condition known as Lyme Borreliosis MSIDS. The recovery has been long and difficult. I am making great progress, but still have a ways to go.
I’d like to say thank you to my YouTube fans specifically. During this particularly challenging time, many people are still coming across my videos and commenting regularly. I want you to know that I read every comment, and cannot thank you enough for your support! Many of the videos I have posted in the past were conceptualized or inspired by your comments. I will be releasing more videos and music as I improve.
I have written several new albums during this illness. It will take some time to get my energy to a point where I can realistically begin recording these. I also have more videos planned, hopefully starting later this year. The next one will be Yanni’s Nostalgia – as requested by some of you.
Please check back for updates, I will give more information as it becomes available. For now, I just want to tell you how sorry I am for the delay, and to thank you for your understanding and support!